Tiana is a municipality in the province of Barcelona, located in the Sierra de la Marina, in the southernmost part of the Maresme region, 15 km from Barcelona and 20 km from Mataró.
Tiana borders to the north with municipalities of Santa María de Martorellas and San Faust de Campcentellas, to the east with El Masnou and Alella, to the south with Montgat, the old fishing district of Tiana until its independence in 1933, and to the west with Badalona.
Tiana with an area of 7.9 km², is covered of forest and vineyard.
The municipality of Tiana is surrounded by the gentle undulations of low-lying mountains. This mountains protects Tiana from the north winds.
Iberian settlement of Castellruf
We park the car near the Tiana observatory, we pass by the Fuente del Alba where we begin to climb a path to the Còlera Cemetery and then leave the old path of Martorelles, where we will walk just over two kilometers until we reach the Castellruf Dolmen and the Iberian settlement.

The Iberian settlement of Castellruf is the remains of an Iberian Laietan located on the hill of Castellruf. Also called Castellruf or Castell-Ruf, it is close to Badalona, close to the towns of Turó de Montgat, Puig Castellar and Turó de Boscà.
Archaeological remains from the middle of the 7th century BC have been found in it. C., which already in 1931 Serra Ráfols made known, which caused clandestine looting. The following surveys, from 1985, have established that the total extension of the town is 5000 m2 and that it was surrounded by a wall. It appears to have been abandoned or destroyed in the early 2nd century BC. C. from the change in economic and political conditions and the campaigns of Caton and his followers.

The territory is dominated by white pine forests and, in the highest part, oak. As in other mountainous places in the area, the Iberians settled, and there are signs of an Iberian settlement on the Castellruf mountain, where a castle was also established in medieval times. A vestige of even older settlers is the Collet de Can Gurri dolmen.

Once up there, the views are spectacular from some huge rocks where visitors have left personal items and dedications in a very curious and original small sanctuary.

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