Public center From Elementary school (From 3 to 6 years old) till Middle school education ( From 6 to 12 years old )with from each.
The Ramón Llull School- St Andreu de Llavaneres is committed to promoting trilingualism at the oral and written levels, the three languages, Catalan, Spanish, English, through the LAB project from 1st to 4th. LLavaenglish is celebrated in the 5th year of primary school. Participate in eTwinning, eTwinning is the community for schools in Europe.
eTwinning promotes school collaboration in Europe using information and communication technologies (ICT) and supports schools by providing them with the necessary tools and services to facilitate their partnership to develop a common project. eTwinning also offers free ongoing online professional development opportunities for educators
Aula magna, audiovisual room with multimedia projector, music room, language classroom, computer classroom, classroom reinforcements, two special education classrooms, gym and psychomotor room …
Dining service with own kitchen
Contact details: Carrer Contrabandistes- Sant Andreu de Llavaneres
Tel: 93 792 69 95
Fax: 93 792 94 17
- Elementary/Middle: Monday to Friday from 9 a 12.30 -15 a 16.30h
- School transport: Monday to Friday, from 9 i a les 16.30h
- Extra classes: de 16.30 a 18h